
  • Watch Online / Generation Necktie (2022)

    Desc: Generation Necktie: Directed by Dane Bachman. With Dane Bachman, Jonas Chartock, P.J. Clarke, PJ Clarke. After film student Ronnie Mitchum decides to document the lives and families of three local skateboarders, he and his crew begin to develop an odd relationship with every person involved in this middle-class web. The three main characters are an eccentric group of losers, each with their own distinct flaws and struggles. Patrick Murphy is a self-proclaimed 'anarcho-nihilist-activist-skater' who vows to never end up working in a cubicle, like his father Walt. As adulthood stares Patrick down, his relationship with his parents gets increasingly strained and he's forced to face the worst parts of himself. Adam Carlyle is a despondent chain-smoker, aimlessly wandering through life with no hopes or plans. As he watches his parents' marriage collapse, he fears how his own relationship with his girlfriend Nora will fare when she leaves for college. Mickey 'The Shroom Guru' Willard is a quirky druggie who considers himself to be incredibly enlightened. When he witnesses several disturbing reflections of his own demons, he falls into an identity crisis and struggles to find himself. When a catastrophic event turns the group's world upside-down, they must band together to make peace with themselves and their families.